Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving to my students and your families. I'm thankful that I have all of you as my students this year. To my previous students-I am thankful to have been your teacher.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Respect Week

Don't forget to show your pride in our school and wear school colors tomorrow. Go green and white!!

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Happy Saturday!

I hope that you enjoy the last weekend in October. Be sure to get your clothes prepared for Respect Week, and remind your friends to participate.

How States Got Their Shape

There is a very interesting series on the History channel this morning called, "How States Got Their Shape". If you're looking for something to watch, give it a look.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

New School Year!

Greetings students and welcome to a new school year! I hope that you had an enjoyable Summer and are ready for a year of learning. While fifth grade offers many fun activities, there are responsibilities as well. The younger students will be looking to you for guidance and behavioral models. You will be asked to assist with daily activities such as bus duty, lunch monitors, as well as during the morning and afternoonarrival and dismissal. 

Please check the blog regularly, especially if there is inclement weather and school is closed. 

Monday, June 18, 2012

Web Lockers

We are up and running with the school web lockers!!!
To access your document, log onto:
Once there, type in your username and password.
The first thing that I would like you to do is click on the "Shared Folders" tab and then click on "Training". Scroll down and click on "How to use your" and read through the tutorial. You can save this document on your home computer for future use and even print it out.

To work on your document, click on the "My Classes" tab. A new window will open up. click on 05 Hartlieb, and you will see the assignments listed. Click on your name and download the file to your computer to work on it. Be sure to save your document in your E-Portfolio so that we can access it at school tomorrow.

Good Luck!
Mrs. Hartlieb

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Memorial Day

I just saw on the news "Wear Jeans for Troops" which I think is very fitting for us since we have a Veteran joining our school today. Don't forget to wear red, white, and blue.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Happy Saturday

Greetings all! Happy Saturday. I hope that you are all enjoying this beautiful weather today. Remember that reading logs are being handed in on Tuesday and that part of your homework is to locate quotes and statistics for your essays.

Thursday, March 15, 2012


March surely is a busy month. Yesterday was Pi Day, today is the Ides of March, and this Saturday is St. Patrick's Day. While March is a long month, hang in there as Spring Break will be here before you know it!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Laughable Limericks

We learned how to write Limericks in class today. If you areinterested in entering the contest, the link is below:

Sunday, February 19, 2012

History Channel

Channel 116, History Channel has "The Revolution" on right now and it is following our Social Studies book. Very good show. I suggest watching it if you can.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


I am so excited that it is snowing outside. I hope that it sticks and that the trees outside our classroom look like a winter wonderland.

Sunday, February 5, 2012


Go Giants!!! Be sure to watch for my favorite commercial.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

It's our Day of Remembrance to honor crews of Apollo 1, Challenger, Columbia and those who gave their lives to explore

Monday, January 23, 2012

Indiana Avenue School #18 is celebrating our Bullying Prevention Program with a SCHOOL KICK OFF WEEK!

January 23-27, 2012

Monday: Turn Your Back on Bullies

At Indiana Avenue School, we do not tolerate bullying. Today, let's wear our clothes backwards, and turn our backs on bullies!

Tuesday: Be A Buddy Not A Bully

Today we are having Mr. Ken Northridge the “NO BULLY MAGICIAN” come and teach us the importance of being a buddy and not a bully. Let’s wear RED today to show we want bullying to stop!

Wednesday: Bullies And I Don’t Mix

Bystanders should never side with the bully or encourage the bully. Let's wear mix-matched clothes today to let bullies know that we don't want to be on their side!

Thursday: Put A Cap On Bullying

Bystanders and victims can stop bullying by reporting it to a trusted adult. Let's wear caps (hats) today in school to put a cap on bullying!

Friday: Team Up Against Bullying

Combating against bullying is a team effort. Let’s wear School 18 spirit wear (t-shirt, sweatshirt, etc.) or your favorite team shirt or jersey today to show how important it is for bystanders and victims to stick together to stop bullying!

Turn your back on bullies

Don't forget to wear your shirts backward today to show that you are "turning your back on bullies".

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone! I hope that you had a well-rested Winter break. I am happy to report that our frog is doing well and our tadpole has back legs! Just this morning I saw it testing them out on the gravel in the bottom of it's habitat. I can't wait until it's front legs grow in so I can bring it to school for good. I will try to take pictures of it and post them on the blog. It's so much easier to take the pictures with the document camera in school, but I will do the best I can.