Just a Few Notes…

         Student Absences

If your child is absent, please send a note or e-mail. Missed work will be sent home by parent request. Please state who the work should be sent home with, and when.


All children will be responsible for their belongings and for their actions
All children will be organized and be able to keep track of their assignments.·     
Students must have a heading on all work handed in, or s/he will lose 5 points.
Students are allowed and encouraged to have a water bottle at their desks.
Tissues and paper towel donations are always welcome.  You can send them in at                                               any time.

        Missing assignments
o   For every missing assignment, the assignment will be circled in the daily homework planner.
o   The missing assignment is due the following school day unless otherwise noted by me.
o   Your child will lose points for every day the work is late.

·     Written homework is given almost every night.  If your child does not have written homework s/he should be studying, reading silently for thirty minutes, or utilizing Study Island.
·     Please be sure to check your child’s homework and sign your child’s planner every night.

Friday Folders
o   Will be sent home every other week on Friday.
o   They do not go home if we have a shortened week due to days off.
o   Please check the folders for papers that have a “Please Sign and Return” stamp or sticker, and return those papers to school. All other papers can remain at home.

Please do not send in birthday invitations unless there is one for everyone in the class.
You may send in an approved treat for your child’s birthday. (munchkins, cupcakes, brownies, Dixie cup ice cream or ice pops)

Thank you,
Mrs. Hartlieb