Reading Strategies

Determining Importance

During reading, decide what is important & what is not important.

Nonfiction features-titles, headings, subheadings, graphs, pictures, &/or quotes

“I think this is really important because…”


Before & after reading

Create meaning from text

“I think…”; “I predict…”; & “My guess…”

Mental Images

During & After Reading

Use all 5 senses

“What do you hear, feel, taste, smell, &/or picture?”
“What do you see in your mind?”

Monitor for Meaning

During and after reading

Readers are able to express the overall meaning of the text.                                      

“What does this really mean to you?”


Before, during, & after reading

Good readers ask questions

“I wonder…”; “Why?” &/or “What?”


Background Knowledge

Before, During, & After Reading

Making Connections

·    text-to-text
         ·    text-to-self
·    text-to-world

“That reminds me of…”  “I remember…”
“My connection here is…”

Synthesis: Concepts

During and after reading

Readers are able to express the overall meaning of the text.                               

“What does this really mean to you?”